Today I went to see an apartment that had a showing just above where my apartment is located. My apartment is on the fifth floor so this one was on the sixth which is the most upper floor in my building. From the very entry I realized that this apartment was thought until the very last detail and I don’t mean the furniture or the interior design. It was the finishing touches of the window frames, absolutely beautiful cornices, door handles and other built-in details.

I walked around for some time, browsing through the 115 square meter space until I suddenly stopped in the dining room and looked up with awe: there was a fresco on the ceiling! The ceiling itself was round and concave i.e. it was curved inwards. The estate agent said that the fresco was painted in 1937 when the house was built and that the constructor of the building, who chose this apartment to be his, ordered the fresco. That certainly explains why the apartment was done in such detail and love.

I always dreamed about having a fireplace like the ones you can find at Unnisepät. So, after admiring the fresco for a few minutes the estate agent turned my attention to the other special thing in the room: the fireplace. This masterpiece looked like some models I have already seen at Unnisepät! He told it was the only fireplace in the building and was built in the same year as the fresco was painted, that is in 1937. The fireplace was the original and hadn’t been repaired, which means it has been serving the dwellers already for 70 years without any reparations although the house has been renovated few times. I think it is great that one can rely on longevity also with Uunisepät fireplaces which are made to last years to come.

To conclude the showing the estate agent pointed out that the constructor was a very pedant man and built his home in a way that he and his family could enjoy and appreciate and could seek comfort in. I think that is something to go by with, after all, home is where your heart is, and a design made with heart will definitely make a home feel like home.